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Award Winning Physiotherapy Clinic

Physiotherapy Singapore at Physio Asia Therapy Centre – established since 2006.

Physio Asia is the first physiotherapy clinic to have received SICCI promising entrepreneur finalist award 2019, Singapore Prestige Brand Award 2012 and again in 2018. Physio Asia has also accomplished Singapore Quality and Singapore Service Class accreditations in 2016 and 2020 and Asia’s 100 Greatest Brands 2017.

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100% Satisfaction

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Comfortable Atmosphere

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Flexible and Cost-Effective

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Trained Therapists

Our Achievement

Awards & Recognition

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Our Physiotherapists are

Certified by – AHPC Singapore

Members of SPA (Singapore) ; CSP ( UK ) ; APA ( Australia)


Physio Asia Therapy Centre

Strives to provide efficient and effective Physiotherapy services while utilizing the latest technology and evidence-based clinical practices.

Client Feedback
