Tips to manage tennis elbow

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Tips to manage tennis elbow

Tennis elbow or pain on outer side elbow of the elbow is the most common overuse injury in the elbow. Tennis elbow is also known as lateral epicondylitisHowever the condition is not restricted to tennis players. It can occur in anyone who does repeated movements leading to overuse of extensor tendon, such as people who spend considerable amount of time typing and using the mouse without proper positioning of the wrist.

Self management includes stretching of the forearm extensor muscles within the pain free range. Some of the simple stretches that can be done for tennis elbow are given here:

Forearm stretch using your other hand:

  • Make a closed fist with the thumb placed inside the fist.
  • Extend the wrist and place the other hand on the fist to apply overpressure.
  • Feel the stretch on the forearm muscles.
  • Hold for 5-10 seconds (as per tolerance), repeat 10 times in the day.

  • Forearm stretch:
  • Place both hands together as shown in the picture.
  • Try to bring the outer part of the hand together as much as possible, all the way from the wrist to the fingers.
  • Hold for 5-10 seconds (as per tolerance), repeat 10 times in the day.

  • Forearm stretch against the wall:
  • Place the back of your hand against the wall, such that it is at right angles to the wall.
  • Feel the stretch on the forearm muscles.
  • Hold for 5-10 seconds (as per tolerance), repeat 10 times in the day.

Forearm rotation:

  • Place your forearm at right angle to the arm.
  • Start with your palm facing upwards.

Turn the forearm such that the palm is facing downwards

Triceps stretch:

  • This stretch is done if you can feel the pain from the elbow going up into the back of the arm (into the triceps).
  • Keeping your elbow bent try to touch your upper back with the hand.
  • Use the other hand to apply additional stretch to the triceps.
  • Hold for 5-10 seconds (as per tolerance), repeat 10 times in the day.

Some other tips that can help to ease the pain and discomfort from tennis elbow are given below:

A good posture is vital to maintain the joints in neutral so that there is no excessive pressure on the joints. If you spend a considerable amount of time working on a computer, then use a mouse pad or ergonomic mouse so that your wrist is in neutral position (not bent upwards) while using a mouse.

Elbow brace can be used to alleviate pain by providing support to the muscles to stabilize the area.

Cold packs to settle the inflammation. Ice packs can help to minimize swelling around the elbow and reduce muscle spasm and pain.

If you participate in a racquet sport, check your racquet for a proper fit. Stiffer racquets and looser-strung racquets often can reduce the stress on the forearm, which means that the forearm muscles do not have to work as hard. Check the width of the racquet handle. If it is too thin it will lead to overgripping, leading to overuse of the extensor muscles.

Adequate warm up before and after exercise by gently stretching your elbow and arm muscles.

Our physiotherapists can help you to manage your tennis elbow and assist you with exercises to take care of any pain or complications arising from your tennis elbow. Call us for an appointment or send your queries to: