Is running becoming difficult? Not able to find answers to the pain in your hips, knees, shins or feet? Is the pain not getting better despite going through rehabilitation, change of footwear, using orthotics and other interventions?
The solution to the problems above is ‘RIGHT DIAGNOSIS’.
Right diagnosis helps in zeroing in on the root cause and problem areas so that the appropriate and correct treatment can be administered according to your needs.
At our clinic, apart from doing regular assessments, our 3D Gait system provides a comprehensive data analysis of your posture and movements in standing, walking and running. It is an innovative system that assesses how the pelvis, hips, knees and ankles rest and move in the different functional activities. It allows us to accurately and objectively detect normal and abnormal movement patterns, which can cause or lead to an injury, treat the issue and conduct a reassessment and record your recovery progression.
Having the right diagnosis the first and most important step in your recovery process.
Book an appointment with us to find out more and experience this for yourself!
Call us for an appointment or send your queries to: