Physio Post

Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow

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What is Tennis Elbow? Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis is defined as pain experienced in the outer side of elbow and/or in the forearm due to inflamed muscle tendons. It is an overuse injury which typically occurs due to repetitive...



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Median nerve is compressed at the elbow under a sheet of ligamentous tissue called the lacertus fibrosus. CAUSES Develop after intense physical effort, repeated gripping, or wrist pronation (where your palm faces the ground) when the elbow is bent. Jobs...

Can’t Put the Foot Down Without Pain? Suffering From Heel Pain?

Can’t Put the Foot Down Without Pain? Suffering From Heel Pain?

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Description/Introduction: A sharp pain or discomfort in the heel on weight bearing especially after a rest period is a common complaint. It settles down quickly if treated early and given enough rest, but may become worse and chronic if initial symptoms are...

Sacroiliac Joint Pain/ Dysfunction or Low Back Pain

Sacroiliac Joint Pain/ Dysfunction or Low Back Pain

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Description/ Introduction: The sacroiliac joints (SIJs) play a crucial role in transferring the body's weight load from the upper torso to the lower limbs. It ranks as one of the most frequent contributors of long-standing low back pain, with around...

Recurrent Ankle Sprains

Recurrent Ankle Sprains

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What are Ankle Sprains and how do they occur? Ankle sprains are one of the most commonly recurring among both general and athletic population. The primary cause of a lateral ankle sprain typically involves the foot suddenly turning inwards with...



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Description/Introduction: The ligaments of the ankle joint are comprised of the medial (inner) and lateral (outer) compartments. They work together to provide stability to the ankle. The medial ligaments are thicker and stronger than the lateral ligaments because the medial bands form...

Upper Cross Syndrome- Physiotherapy for Upper Cross Syndrome

Upper Cross Syndrome- Physiotherapy for Upper Cross Syndrome

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Description/ Introduction Upper Crossed Syndrome aka “proximal or shoulder girdle crossed syndrome” involves a delicate imbalance of muscles. It is characterized by tightness in some muscles (the upper trapezius and levator scapula) on the dorsal side crosses paths with tightness...

Shoulder Pain- Physiotherapy for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain- Physiotherapy for Shoulder Pain

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Description/Introduction The Shoulder is one of only two ball and socket joints of the body, this allows it a greater degree of freedom when it comes to movement, at the cost of stability. A painful shoulder can cause hindrances to...

Frozen Shoulder- Physiotherapy for Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder- Physiotherapy for Frozen Shoulder

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Description/ Introduction Adhesive Capsulitis aka “Frozen Shoulder” is a condition that is caused by the thickening of the shoulder capsule –a sheath that encases the joint of the shoulder, thus restricting movement. The main symptoms of frozen shoulder are joint...

How to manage Acute Injuries and Pain

How to manage Acute Injuries and Pain

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What happens during an injury? When you get injured, the body’s natural response will be inflammation.  Signs and symptoms of acute inflammation will be swelling, redness, heat and pain.  Mainly caused by the increased blood flow associated with swelling. Thus, initial management...


Physio Asia Therapy Centre

Strives to provide efficient and effective Physiotherapy services while utilizing the latest technology and evidence-based clinical practices.