Physiotherapy for the voice or laryngeal manual therapy is a non-invasive treatment targeted at addressing the muscular tension that may affect one’s ability to vocalize/phonate. This highly specialized form of manual therapy involves manipulating the larynx and surrounding soft tissue or musculature that controls the movement of the larynx.
The larynx is held in place by muscles that are influenced by factors such as vocal workload, specific voice qualities, support patterns, and posture. These factors can cause increased muscle tension, resulting in limited vocal fold movement and various symptoms, including reduced vocal range, breathy vocal tone, constriction during voicing, and vocal fatigue.
Laryngeal manual therapy aims to identify and treat any areas of restriction while addressing their underlying causes. The treatment is customized to meet the individual’s vocal demands and goals, often involving soft tissue release of tight laryngeal muscles and passive stretches to enhance vocal fold mobility.