Upper Cross Syndrome- Physiotherapy for Upper Cross Syndrome

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Upper Cross Syndrome- Physiotherapy for Upper Cross Syndrome

Description/ Introduction

Upper Crossed Syndrome aka “proximal or shoulder girdle crossed syndrome involves a delicate imbalance of muscles. It is characterized by tightness in some muscles (the upper trapezius and levator scapula) on the dorsal side crosses paths with tightness in others (the pectoralis major and minor) along with a weakness of the deep cervical flexors (ventrally) crosses with weakness of the middle and lower trapezius. This intricate pattern of imbalance creates joint dysfunction that causes postural changes as well as pain/discomfort and stiffness in the neck and shoulder. The Physios at our clinics aim to combat Upper Crossed Syndrome and its symptoms by using a variety of treatment techniques and modalities to provide lasting long-term relief.

Clinical Signs and Symptoms

UCS manifests as:

  • Headaches
  • Neck pain or strain
  • Chest tightness
  • Upper back pain, especially in the shoulders
  • Restricted neck or shoulder range of motion
  • Numbness, tingling, and pain in the upper arms
  • Posture changes (Rounded Back and Forward Head)

Physical Therapy for Upper Crossed Syndrome

Physical Therapy helps patients with Upper Crossed Syndrome by helping address the issue at its root cause. A combination of manual techniques, modalities, strengthening exercise, postural retraining, as well as patient education will help treat the symptoms of the condition as well as prevent its reoccurrence.

Services Offered by Us:

Physical therapy can help manage Upper Crossed Syndrome and aid in returning to normal everyday function without difficulty/discomfort. Our PTs are trained to provide relief by doing the following:

  • Laser Therapy and Ultrasound Therapy: Used for heating and promotes tissue healing.
  • Interferential Therapy: Stimulates the muscle and nerve fibers.
  • Shockwave Therapy: to relieve pain.
  • Exercise Therapy: Muscle Strengthening and Stretching and training to improve overall function.
  • Postural Training: for the best positions for weight bearing to reduce stress on the muscles and joints.
  • Education: Learning different techniques to perform daily activities even while being limited
  • Manual Therapy: Manual techniques such as trigger point release is beneficial in improving mobility and reduce pain.