Strives to provide effcient and effective Physiotherapy services.
Physiotherapists around the world use taping as a common therapeutic tool for preventing or managing common sports injuries or musculo-skeletal conditions. T3 approach uses three different types of tapes based on their therapeutic effects like compression, immobilization, stabilization, proprioception, support or improvement of muscle function as may be desired at different stages of injuries. Aim is to achieve mechanical and functional improvement in injuries and also to prevent re-injury.
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Application of Electrophysical Agents is an integral part of rehabilitative care towards managing patients in the hospitals, private clinics, nursing homes and the community rehab centers.
The treatment spectrum for various conditions including wound healing, muscle strengthening and control and pain relief have shown beneficial improvement and results from evidence based research
This One Day Only! Program focuses on the recent key and new developments in electrophysical agents and provides clinicians a broader perspective on the latest techniques development to enhance rehabilitation care for their clients.
The program will benefit all practicing clinicians involved in rehabilitation care. The Program will provide theoretical knowledge and practical demonstration of some new EPA applications.
This updated program offers substantial benefits to participants through the acquisition of new knowledge and skills and by value adding to their professional qualification from respectable universities.
Within International Rehabilitation and Wellness Academy, we offer authoritative physiotherapy educational theory and practical programs designed by innovative staff groups.
The Advanced Musculoskeletal Series Program is designed by a faculty of successful private practitioners to share with participants advanced clinical knowledge and skills, so that participants can perform improved techniques to manage various musculoskeletal conditions.
Physiotherapists constantly encounter different clinical presentations and often struggle with delivering the most efficient and appropriate treatments to get faster improvement and effective results. Now, Advanced Musculoskeletal Series Program is specially developed to allow you to gain current and updated musculoskeletal principles and to improve your techniques to increase patients’ outcome or conditions.